广东省初二英语仁爱版下册Unit topic综合复习
一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


---Why are you going to Guilin?

---I plan ____ the beautiful mountains and clean water.

A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see

二、句型转换 (共1题,共5分)



【1】We have a standard room with air-conditioning and bathtub. (划线提问)

___________________ standard room do you have ?

【2】The train leaves at 11:00 a.m. and arrives in Shanghai at 7:00 p.m.

It ___________________ to go to Shanghai by train.(同义句)

【3】We plan to visit the Great Wall. (同义句)

Our plan ___________________ the Great Wall.

【4】I paid 10 yuan for this pencil-box. (同义句)

I _____ 10 yuan _____ this pencil-box.

【5】We plan to stay there for a week. (划线提问)

______________ do you plan to stay there?

三、选词填空 (共1题,共5分)



raise money,   pay for, be comfortable, place of interest, hear from

【1】If you lose the book borrowed from the library, you should _____ it.

【2】This chair ____ than that one to sit in.

【3】I’m looking forward to _______________ my American pen pal, Nancy.

【4】The price of the tickets to the sports meeting is so high. Why don’t we put on a show _________ for the tickets?

【5】There are many _______ in Beijing. I wish to visit them one day.

四、补全对话 (共1题,共5分)



A. This is Mike speaking.

B. The total cost is¥540.

C. Do you have a standard room?

D. What kind of room would you like?

E. And how long will you stay?

F. How much does it cost?

G. Can I help you?

A: Hello, Green Hotel. 【1】

B: Yes, please. May I book one room now?

A: Of course. 【2】

B: A standard room with a bathroom. 【3】

A: ¥180 one night. When do you want them?【4】

B: From Monday to Thursday next week,

three nights.

A: All right. 【5】 May I have your name, please?

B: Jack Smith.

A: Thank you. Mr. Smith. You’ll feel comfortable in our hotel.

五、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Bill and Simon were good friends. One summer they were _______. They wanted to cross the Caribbean Sea(加勒比海) in their boat for two weeks.

During their trip, they saw many whales(鲸鱼). They were very excited because they _______ saw so large ones. They were watching them _______ the whales began to hit the boat.

Suddenly, _______ started coming in, and they were in trouble. They _______ jumped into the lifeboat(救生圈) before the boat went down into the sea.

Luckily, they had enough food and water for about twenty days. They _______ a machine. It could change sea water into drinking water.They also had a fishing line. These two things could help them to _______.

For the next fifteen days they_______ fishes and ate them. They saw some ships, but although they _______when they were passing, no one saw them. Then, just as they were beginning to ________hope, a fishing boat found them and saved them.

No matter what difficulty we meet, face it bravely and never give up.

【1】A. on vacation B. in hospital C. at school D. at work

【2】A. never B. always C. often D. usually

【3】A. before B. after C. when D. until

【4】A. whales B. birds C. fishes D. water

【5】A. slowly B. quickly C. happily D. angrily

【6】A. lost B. needed C. had D. threw

【7】A. relax B. live C. sleep D. rest

【8】A. bought B. caught C. watched D. carried

【9】A. sang B. shouted C. said D. talked

【10】A. find B. have C. put D. lose

六、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)




1. 天气:晴朗; 2. 距离:博物馆离家约两千米;

3. 交给工具:自行车;   4. 时间: 8点出发,10点回家;

5. 内容: 见到许多照片,实物,学到很多东西;

6. 游人: 见到很多父母和孩子、学生和老师等。


七、 (共1题,共5分)



【1】I will tell all my classmates the _________(excite) news.

【2】The physics problem is too difficult. It took me two hours ______(work) it out.

【3】---How can we deal with this problem?

---Let’s _________(discuss) together and find out a way.

【4】---It’s too far ________(cycle) to Mount Emei.

---But there are many other vechicles for us ___________(choose).

【5】---What are they talking about?

--They’re talking about ways _________(help) the little girl.
