一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


_______ important knowledge is to us ﹗

A. What an   B. How an   C. What   D. How

二、单词拼写 (共1题,共5分)



【1】I hope to live a quiet life in small ___________ (村庄) like the ones in Sichuan mountains.

【2】I went to bed at about 9:30 last night ,but I don’t know when I fell ___________(睡着的).

【3】Can you____________(描述)your feeling when you heard the news in English?

【4】Giant pandas live___________(主要地)on a special kind of bamboo.

【5】My sister will buy some ________(气球)for Children’s Day.

【6】We all know that_________ (act) speak louder than words.

【7】In the________(begin),  people made a living by hunting.

【8】My father seldom drives to work on__________(fog) days.

【9】The number of the private cars_____________ (increase) greatly since 2008 in the small town.

【10】After the terrible earthquake , he was happy to find all his relatives ________ (live).

三、短文填空 (共1题,共5分)


七. 首字母填空

Robots are smart because they have computer brains. They can help people work in d 【1】 places.  They can also do difficult jobs. Brine, the robot mail carrier, b【2】 mails to a large office building in Washington D.C. He is one of 250 robot mail carriers in the United States. But have you e 【3】 heard about a robot teacher?

Mr Green is a fourth-grade robot teacher. He has s【4】 advantages as a teacher. One advantage is that he does not f 【5】 details. He knows each child's name, their parents' names and w【6】 each child knows and needs to know. He even knows each child's pets and hobbies. Mr Green does not make mistakes. Each child goes and t【7】 him his name, then dials an ID number. His computer brain puts the child's voice and number together.  He identifies the child with no mistakes. Then he starts the lesson.

Another advantage is that Mr Green is flexible(灵活的).If the children need more t【8】to do their lessons, they can move switches and change the timetable. In this way they can repeat Mr Green's lesson over and over again When the children do a good job, he tells them something interesting about their hobbies. At the e 【9】of the lesson the children switch Mr Green off. The children like Mr Green very much They feel happy and r 【10】 in his class. And when they make a mistake, they don't feel upset. They have a lot of fun with a robot teacher.

四、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


I was living in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  It is a________ city, with more people living in it than in my whole country. We rented a flat in a gated community, but there was a favela(平民窟) quite__________ .

For several months I didn't have a car,________  three times a week, I took the bus to go to the city centre. During these trips, I would ride with the people who took the same bus from the favela to go to work  When I got on the bus, all the seats were already________. But when people saw that my bag was _______ , they offered to hold it on their legs to make me feel lighter _______ At first, I was doubtful.Then I realized that these people has no intention to steal from me: they only wanted to ________ .

Once, on my way back, I had to _______a long time at the bus stop. I was ________, except for a woman who was obviously very poor. She carried a small paper bag of popcorn and nothing else.

While we were waiting, she walked over to_______ me some popcorn. I _________her, but didn't want to help myself to it. She then repeatedly________ that I took from what was clearly her __________ food.

That was the first time I had thought about how people who have almost nothing are sometimes able to __________ the little they have more " ___________" than those who own a lot. . I was so moved by that woman. I clearly had more than she did, but she naturally and joyfully shared what little she had with me.

【1】A. small   B. beautiful   C. huge   D. warm

【2】A. near   B. similar   C. quiet   D. noisy

【3】A. because   B. so   C. but   D. or

【4】A. checked   B. reserved   C. taken   D. emptied

【5】A. light   B. big   C. worn   D. heavy

【6】A. sitting   B. standing   C. walking   D. carrying

【7】A. help   B. meet   C. greet   D. change

【8】A. look   B. ask   C. wait   D. sit

【9】A. nervous   B. hungry   C. scared   D. alone

【10】A. buy   B. offer   C. sell  .   D. make

【11】A. thanked   B. refused   C. doubted   D. promised

【12】A. argued   B. ordered   C. insisted  '   D. recorded

【13】A. delicious   B. special   C. sweet   D. only

【14】A. share   B. provide   C. sell   D. present

【15】A. peacefully   B. commonly   C. skillfully   D. easily

五、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


Are you tired of studying all day long? Do you want to do something different? Teens are full of energy, and some are really creative. The following is from an American teen’s Weblog.

I own chickens. At home, my family has seven chickens. I gave them all names, and they are my good friends. You may think that taking care of chickens is easy, but sometimes chickens have minds of their own. If you are considering getting chickens, there are a few things you need to know.

The pecking order

Chickens have something we call the pecking order. It is the ranking of all the chickens. The order goes from the toughest, biggest chicken, to the smallest, weakest chicken. The chickens figure out this order on their own. Putting chickens together is not easy. You have to make sure they all eat the same food. Otherwise, you have to keep them apart.

Caring for baby chicks

You must have patience for this. You need to feed them very good food to them, so they stay healthy and become immune to diseases. You also need a place for them to stay in your house and a special feeder and water holder. You can get day-old chicks, or you can get chicks that are 6 months and older. Also, you should clean the pen regularly, so neighbors don’t complain.

Anybody can have chickens

You just have to know what you are doing and always be prepared. Chickens can bring families together. They are fun and humorous, beautiful and loving. They are also smart. It’s amazing how quickly they learn things on their own. So why not consider getting some of your own feathered friends?

【1】What is pecking order ?

A. It’s the ranking of all the chickens.

B. It goes from the smallest chicken to the biggest.

C. The chicken owners make the order.

D. The order makes all the chickens be the same.

【2】What does the underlined word “immune” mean?

A. 健康的   B. 免疫的   C. 有倾向的   D. 脆弱的

【3】What’s NOT needed to care for baby chicks?

A. Clean the pen regularly.

B. Find a safe place for them to stay.

C. Get a special feeder and water holder.

D. Give them names.

【4】What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. How to choose good chickens.

B. How to get along with chickens.

C. It takes hard work to raise chickens.

D. Chickens can bring people joy.

【5】Why does the writer keep chickens?

A. Because taking care of chickens is easy.

B. Because the neighbors don’t complain about it.

C. Because chickens have a friend’s quality..

D. Because chickens have minds of their own..

六、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)



Have you ever tried to understand something new on your own but found it a bit too difficult in books or on the Internet? Don't be worried-you can get help at Khan Academy(可汗学院).

Khan Academy is an online learning website created by Salman Khan, an American

teacher. In order to provide "a free world-class education for anyone anywhere", Khan offers more than 3,500 free small lectures(讲座) at khanacademy. org.

The classes cover fields like history, chemistry and art. They usually last for 15 minutes or less. Unlike traditional classes, Khan mainly offers courses for students below college level. The classes can also help those who are planning to take the SAT, an exam often required for students who wish to enter a college or university in the USA

So how can you start your learning journey at Khan Academy?

First of all, enter the website with a personal email account .Your personal homepage at Khan Academy is designed to help you learn Maths. You can take a pre-test first to see your level. The academy then suggests exercises at the right level for you.

If you are interested in other subjects, click "LEARN" to see all topics on offer. Try "Art History", for example. This will take you to all the things in that area like text articles, videos and questions. You can also put key words into the search box to see related topics.

Don't worry if you find it difficult to follow the courses in English.  The courses have been translated into other languages, such as Chinese.

Khan Academy

The introduction of Khan Academy

·Salman Khan 【1】 the online learning website.

·The classes at khanacademy. org 【2】 different fields.

·The classes at khanacademy. org. usually last for a 【3】 of an hour or less.

The advantages of studying at Khan Academy

·It can help you understand something new by 【4】.

·You needn’t【5】 money for your courses.

·The classes can be【6】 if you are planning to take the SAT.

·You can learn the courses without language difficulty.

The【7】 of studying at Khan Academy

·You can use a personal email account to enter the website.

·You can see your level by【8】 a pre-test first.

·You can click “LEAEN” to see all topics on offer if you show an 【9】 in other subjects .

·You can also put key【10】 into the search box to see related topics.

七、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)








1. 欢乐多了; 减少了孤独感 2. 学会照顾人了;有利于培养合作精神。


1. 占据时间; 没有时间进行自己的爱好2. 父母关爱少了;有时相处不好会导致矛盾。



Last week our class held a class meeting about“Would you like a younger brother

or sister?’’.Every student expressed his opinion.



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