一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


The weather report says there_________a heavy rain in Zhengzhou tomorrow.

A.is going to have B.is C.was D.is going to be

二、完成句子 (共1题,共5分)


More and more graduates choose to ________ (休整一年) to travel before work and they call it "gap year".

三、选词填空 (共1题,共5分)


help  advantage  two  however  work  from  them  young  luck  with  reach  different

In China, very few children make pocket money. 【1】, in western countries, most kids make pocket money by 【2】 . They make money in many 【3】 ways. When kids are very 【4】 , their parents help them sell the fruit 【5】 their own trees to neighbors. Kids may also help with housework to make money at home. When they 【6】 sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by 【7】 in fast food restaurants.

There are many 【8】 of making pocket money. Firstly, they learn the value of earning money through hard work. 【9】, they learn to manage money to buy things they need or want. Above all, making pocket money is 【10】 to children when they grow up.

四、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  Martin Luther King once said that life's most important question is "What are you doing for ______?"

Volunteering means working ______ being paid for it. As a result, people choose to ______ their time doing things they like. For example, animal lovers may volunteer at an animal shelter to help _______ animals.

For students, lessons may also be learned outside of ______. Andrew is a ______ student at Yale University. He ______ to do something for homeless children. He said: "You could see ______ when you looked in their eyes." Though his ______ time as a volunteer only lasted a week, he'd be ______ soon.

【1】A.another B.others C.other D.the other

【2】A.without B.by C.for D.with

【3】A.cost B.pay C.take D.spend

【4】A.take after B.take care of C.take care D.take up

【5】A.home B.room C.classroom D.house

【6】A.19-years-old B.19-year-old C.19 years old D.19- year old

【7】A.decided B.made mind C.interested D.thought

【8】A.hate B.proud C.anger D.hope

【9】A.first B.second C.third D.last

【10】A.leave B.pleased C.back D.sad

五、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  The Internet is shaping our lives. We already have online shopping services and mobile payment. However, this is just a start. The world's leading tech companies plan to build smarter online communities. They discussed this at the World Internet Conference.

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) was a hot topic at the conference. If a machine can learn and solve problems as humans do, it can be called AI.

The company Alibaba uses AI technology in its unmanned supermarket in Wuzhen. There is no salesperson in the supermarket, just a tablet on a desk that says "please smile". The bigger you smile, the more discounts you get. Payment is done through your Alipay account. When you first enter the supermarket, the supermarket's AI recognizes your face and your account.

There is also AI that can read lips. Sougou brought its lip-reading system to the conference. It recognizes your mouth's movements and turn them into voice or text messages. This could be very useful when you are trying to talk to someone on your phone in a noisy place.

【1】Internet shapes our lives in many ways, including the following ways except __________.

A.shopping B.payment C.lip-reading D.schooling

【2】What's the hot topic at the world Internet Conference?

A.technology B.smarter online communities

C.artificial intelligence D.unmanned supermarket

【3】In the unmanned supermarket, payment is made through __________.

A.salesperson B.tablet C.smile D.Alipay account

【4】Which statements is TRUE about lip-reading system.

A.By reading your smile, the lip-reading system can get messages.

B.Lip-reading system can turn mouth movement into voice.

C.Lip-reading system can be useful everywhere.

D.We can use lip-reading system in our daily life now.

【5】What can we learn from the passage?

A.If we do translation work through a machine, it can be called AI.

B.Unmanned supermarket can be easily seen in China now.

C.Lip-reading system can't be used because of the system itself.

D.Alibaba and Sougou are the biggest tech companies in China.

六、任务型阅读 (共1题,共5分)


  It's a story about how one man, James Brown, and his cat Bob found hope on the streets of London.

One day, Bowen met a cat and took it home. He named the cat Bob afterwards. Bowen was poor. He lived by busking. It sometimes paid well, but not always. It was hard for him to keep Bob. But Bob was very cute. He attracted more people to Bowen's performances (表演) on the street. They stopped and listened to Bowen's songs. Bowen earned more money that evening than he would usually earn in an entire day. Bob and Bowen had many wonderful adventures, although there were many hard days to get through as well.

This story is excerpted from a book called A Street Cat Named Bob. It's an autobiography (自传) by James Bowen himself. In the book, Bowen talks about his hard life, including his life with Bob, as well as what things were like before he met the cat. A movie based on the book cameout in 2016.

Reading this book changed how I feel about the homeless. Now I want to help the homeless.

【1】If you go to____________, you may find Bowen and Bob there.

【2】Mark T for true or F for false.

Bob was the person who helped Bowen give performances.

【3】In Chinese, the underlined word "busking" means ____________.

【4】What's the book A Street Cat Named Bob about?


【5】Why does the writer want to help the homeless now?


七、书面表达 (共1题,共5分)


  Life is full of memorable events. Would you like to share an unforgettable event happened to you? Please write an email to your friend Julia and share an event that impressed you most. (80words)

八、 (共1题,共5分)


As middle school students, we should try everything we can ____ (make) our dream come true.

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