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My neighbour Mrs Brown is eighty, and she has a small car. She always drives to the shops on Saturday and buys some food. Her car is old. She doesn't drive fast, but she drives well, and never hits(撞击)anything. Sometimes her grandson says to her, "Please don't drive your old car, Grandma. You are too old. We can drive you to the town." But she always says, "No. I like driving. I drive for fifty years, and I am not going to stop now."

One Saturday she stops her car at traffic lights when they are red. The lights become green, then yellow, then red again, but Mrs Brown's car can't start. "What am I going to do now?" she says. Then a policeman comes and says to her with a smile, "Good morning. You like all of our colours, don't you?"

【1】How many people are there in the story? ( )

A.Only one. B.Three. C.Two.

【2】Mrs Brown always goes shopping _____. ( )

A.by bus B.by bike C.by car

【3】She learnt driving when she was _____. ( )

A.eighty B.thirty C.fifty

【4】Her grandson asks her not to drive, because _____. ( )

A.her car is too old B.she is too old C.both A and B

【5】Does Mrs Brown like driving? ( )

A.Yes, she does. B.No, she doesn’t. C.Yes, she did.

更新时间:2024-04-18 18:15:43







题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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