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Today is Sunday. I go to the park with my friend Lingling. There are lots of people in the park. Some women are singing. Three girls are skipping. Two boys are rowing a boat. One little boy is drinking milk near a car. Look at the big tree! There are two birds in the tree. A girl is jumping under the tree. Two old men are playing chess.

【1】There are some people in the park. (_______)

【2】Two girls are skipping. (_______)

【3】A little boy is drinking milk near a car.  (_______)

【4】There are two birds in the tree. (_______)

【5】Two old women are playing chess. (_______)

更新时间:2024-04-18 16:58:41







题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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