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Hello, I’m Betty. I am a girl. There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my parents, my brother and me. My grandma is friendly. She’s a doctor. My father is tall and strong. He is a driver. My mother is tall and thin. She has long hair. She is a teacher. My brother has big eyes and short hair. He’s a student. I’m a student, too.

【1】How many people are there in Betty’s family?


【2】Who are the people in Betty’s family?


【3】What’s Betty’s grandma’s job?


【4】What’s Betty’s father’s job?


【5】Is Betty’s mother a teacher?


更新时间:2024-04-19 13:12:20


【2】They are Betty’s grandma, her parents, her brother and Betty.

【3】She is a doctor.

【4】He’s a driver.

【5】Yes, she is.


题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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