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I'm Linda. My family move into a new house. Look, this is my new room. Now, it's dirty. The chair is on the desk. There are many pictures on the floor. All of my clothes are on the bed. The books are all in the boxes. My shoes are under the desk. I want someone to help me. I want to make my room clean.

【1】Linda moves into ________.( )

A.a new school B.a new house C.a new village

【2】Linda's new room is ________.( )

A.dirty B.clean C.nice

【3】The ________ is on the desk. ( )

A.picture B.book C.chair

【4】The books are ________.( )

A.on the floor B.in the boxes C.on the bed

【5】Linda wants to ________.( )

A.clean her room B.find a friend C.make a pen pal

更新时间:2024-04-19 19:09:41







题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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