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This is Teddy’s bedroom. In the room we can see a map on the wall. It is a map of China. The books are on the desk. There is a clock on the desk, too. The skirts are on the bed. The shoes are under the chair. There are two end tables near the bed. There is a mirror on the bed. The room is not big, but it’s very nice. Teddy likes it very much.

【1】What’s on the wall?  ( )

A. There is a clock. B. There is a map.

【2】What can you see on the desk? ( )

A. Some books. B. Some skirts.

【3】---Where are the shoes?   (   ) 

--- They’re___________

A. under the desk. B. under the chair.

【4】---What’s the room like? ( )

--- It’s _____.

A. pretty B. small.

【5】---Whose room is it? ( )  

--- It’s______.

A. Tom’s B. Teddy’s

更新时间:2024-04-25 07:37:38







题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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