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  A mineral is something in nature that is neither a plant nor an animal. Most rocks have two or more minerals. 【1】

  First, look for color. Some minerals are light in color, while others are dark. 【2】 because many minerals have more chemicals that give them a different color.

  【3】 Some minerals shine brightly. Others may look smooth. Still others may have a shining luster(光泽), like the inside of some seashells.

  Third, look for how the mineral breaks apart. Some minerals come apart into thin, flat sheets. Others come into small cubes. Still others break up into pieces with different shapes.

  Finally, look for hardness. 【4】 Some minerals are soft, so you can cut them with your hand. Others can be cut with a coin. Still others can be cut with a penknife.

A. Second, look for luster or shininess.

B. What can we do to discover a mineral?

C. You can discover a mineral by looking at its size.

D. You can test a mineral for hardness by trying to cut it.

E. But color is not always the best way to discover a mineral,

更新时间:2024-04-28 11:33:13








【2】根据后文的原因because many minerals have more chemicals that give them a different color. 因为许多矿物质含有更多发出不同的颜色的化学物质,故选E但是颜色不总是发现矿物质的最好方法。

【3】根据上文发现矿物质的第一步First, look for color.可知这里指第二步,故选A“第二,寻找光泽”。

【4】根据上文总述Finally, look for hardness.及后文用不同工具切割不同硬度的矿物质,故选D你可以试着切割一种矿物来测试它的硬度

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