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Our trip to the Mining Museum

On Tuesday 4th April, we took a bus to travel to the Mining(矿业) Museum because we had been learning about the Gold Rushes.

_【1】. We went past some famous places such as Sydney Harbor and the Opera House along the way. We also chatted to our friends about what we had seen on TV last night.

When we arrived at the Mining Museum, we were taken to a room where we stored our bags. Our guide, Alison, then introduced us to a man named Bruce Binkley who is a miner.

Mr. Binkley talked to us about how people used to look for gold.【2】. It seemed simple. You get a pan, fill it with dirt and water and then swirl (旋动) it around until the big stones are washed out along with other things. Gold, being heavier, is left at the bottom.

Next, we walked upstairs to look at pictures, information and samples (样品) of gold. We filled in a worksheet about the early discoveries of gold in Australia.【3】_. That part was really exciting because you had to imagine that you were a miner diggling for gold.

Lunch was spent in a nearby park.【4】. They were yummy! We allso played hide-and-seek while we were there.

【5】. We boarcled the bus and felt very tired. Some children even slept on the bus!

It was an enjoyable trip to the Mining Museum.

A.I had two ham sandwiches

B.Finally, it was time to return to school

C.The trip into the city was interesting

D.He then showed us how to pan for gold

E.There were also some interesting gold computer games to play

更新时间:2024-04-19 08:55:02









【2】根据后文 It seemed simple. You get a pan, fill it with dirt and water and then swirl (旋动) it around until the big stones are washed out along with other things可知这里讲的是怎样淘金。

【3】根据后文That part was really exciting because you had to imagine that you were a miner diggling for gold.可知这一部分可以让我们体验旷工的工作,故选择E,有一个可以体验淘金的游戏。

【4】根据Lunch was spent in a nearby park可知答案为A。


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