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Long long ago, there was a herd(群) of forest deer. In this herd was a wise and respected 1, tricky in the ways of deer. He taught the tricks and strategies of 2 to the young fawns(小鹿).

One day, his younger sister brought her son to him, to be taught 3 is so important for deer. She said, "Oh brother teacher, this is my son. Please 4him the tricks and strategies of deer." The teacher said to the fawn, "5, you can come at this time tomorrow for your first lesson."

6, the young deer came to the lessons as he was 7 to. But soon, he became more interested in playing with the other young bucks 8 does. He didn't realize how dangerous it 9 be for a deer who learned nothing but deer games. So he 10 cutting classes. Soon he was playing hooky(逃学) all the time.

11, one day the fawn who played hooky 12 in a snare(陷阱) and was trapped. Since he was missing, his mother 13. She went to her brother the teacher, and asked him, "My dear brother, how is my son? Have you 14 your nephew(侄子) the tricks and strategies of deer?"

The teacher replied, "My dear sister, your son was 15 and unteachable. Out of respect for you, I tried my best to teach him. But he did not want to learn the tricks and strategies of deer. He played hooky! How could I 16 teach him? You are obedient(顺从的) and faithful, but he is not. It is useless to try to teach him."

Later they heard the 17 news. The naughty fawn who played hooky had been 18 and killed by an experienced 19. He skinned him and took the meat home to his family.

Remember: 20 can be learned from a teacher by one who misses the class.

(1)A.leader B.student C.pupil D.teacher

(2)A.survival B.running C.arrival D.travel

(3)A.that B.what C.how D.it

(4)A.learn B.study C.teach D.bring

(5)A.How simple B.Very well C.Quite easy D.What a pity

(6)A.At first B.For the first C.The first time D.Firstly

(7)A.preserved B.thought C.supposed D.suspected

(8)A.nor B.or C.but D.and

(9)A.should B.could C.would D.must

(10)A.started B.organized C.stopped D.liked

(11)A.Generally B.Luckily C.However D.Unfortunately

(12)A.flew B.caught C.stepped D.broke

(13)A.fainted B.delighted C.shocked D.worried

(14)A.returned B.brought C.taught D.sold

(15)A.dishonest B.disobedient C.inconvenient D.unbelievable

(16)A.possibly B.likely C.necessarily D.logically

(17)A.unusual B.good C.sad D.popular

(18)A.bought B.taught C.transported D.trapped

(19)A.hunter B.researcher C.student D.settler

(20)A.Anything B.Nothing C.Something D.Everything

更新时间:2024-04-27 18:53:34























(1)句意:在鹿群里有一个智慧的、受尊敬的老师。根据下文He taught the tricks and strategies,可知他是老师,teacher老师,故选D。

(2)句意:他教小鹿生存的技巧和策略。根据the young fawns,可知对小鹿来说需要学习生存技能,survival生存的,故选A。


(4)句意:请教他鹿的技巧和策略吧。根据上文Oh brother teacher, this is my son,可做她在跟老师说话,老师应搭配动词教,teach,教,故选C。

(5)句意:好吧,明天你可以这个时候过来上第一节课。根据下文you can come at this time tomorrow for your first lesson.可做老师同意他来,very well好吧,表同意,故选B。

(6)句意:起初,小鹿按时上课。根据下文But soon但是不久,可知上文是起初,at first起初,用于描述事情的发展,故选A。

(7)句意:起初,小鹿按时上课。be supposed to应该,固定搭配,指他应该那样来上课,故选C。

(8)句意:但是不久,他变得对和别的小雄鹿和雌鹿玩更感兴趣。根据other young bucks及does,可知两者是并列关系,and和,表并列,故选D。

(9)句意:他没有意识到对一只鹿来说除了游戏什么也不学是多危险。根据how dangerous可知是指情况可能会危险,could可能,故选B。

(10)句意:所以他开始翘课。根据下文Soon he was playing hooky all the time.可知上文是开始翘课,start开始,故选A。

(11)句意:不幸的是,有一天这只逃学的小鹿踏入一个陷阱并被困住了。根据下文in a snare and was trapped,可知是不幸的事情,unfortunately不幸的是,故选D。

(12)句意:不幸的是,有一天这只逃学的小鹿踏入一个陷阱并被困住了。根据下文was trapped,可知是踏入陷阱,step in踏入,固定搭配,故选C。

(13)句意:因为他失踪了,他的妈妈很担心。根据he was missing,可知失踪之后妈妈会担心,worried担心的,故选D。


(15)句意:你的儿子不听话并且不可教。根据下文You are obedient and faithful, but he is not,可知她的儿子不听话,disobedient不听话的,故选B。

(16)句意:我怎么可能教他呢?根据上文He played hooky!可知下文是怎么可能教他呢?possibly可能,副词,常与can连用,故选A。


(18)句意:这只淘气的逃学的小鹿被一个有经验的猎人困住并且杀死了。根据上文in a snare and was trapped,可知小鹿被困住了,trapped被困住的,故选D。


(20)句意:一个翘课的人从老师那里什么也学不到。根据who misses the class,可知翘课的人学不到东西,nothing什么也没有,故选B。

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