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  Everyone has his or her own holiday. Dads have Father’s Day.【1】Children have Children’s Day. But, is there a special day for old people?

Double Ninth Festival is a special day in China. When did it start?【2】This festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar.【3】On this day, Chinese show love and care for old people.

People do lots of things on this day. They enjoy chrysanthemums(菊花)and drink wine.【4】What is the most popular activity at this festival?Lots of people usually climb hills on this day.

They think climbing will bring them good luck.【5】

根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺、内容完整。

A.This year it is on October 7.

B.Also, it can help the old live longer lives.

C.They drink wine and eat special cakes.

D.Women have Women’s Day.

E.It started during the Eastern Han Dynasty(朝代)

更新时间:2024-04-23 20:57:16








【1】段落首句“Everyone has his or her own holiday”每个人都有自己的节日;根据空格上文“Dads have Father’s Day”和空格下文“Children have Children’s Day”推断空格指女人有妇女节;故答案为D。

【2】空格前“When did it start?”推断空格是回答重阳节开始于何时,故答案为E。

【3】根据上文“This festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar”推断下文进一步介绍重阳节的时间,故答案为A。

【4】根据段首句“People do lots of things on this day”推断是陈述重阳节那天的活动,故选C。

【5】上文“They think climbing will bring them good luck”根据文句表述的逻辑关系,推断空格是进一步陈述爬山的寓意;故答案为B。

题型: 题类: 难度:容易 组卷次数:0
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