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  Do you like travelling? If so, come to our travel service.

2-day Xiamen Culture Group Tour (旅行)

How about going to Xiamenn for the weekend? You can visit Gulangyu(鼓浪屿) and eat nice food like lobsters(龙虾).


Call us at 800-817-7233

4-day Xiamen Private(私人的) Tour

Xiamen has beautiful sunshine, white beaches and clean water. You can walk along the beaches and enjoy the fresh air.


1 person

2—-5  persons

6—-9  persons




5-day Taiwan Group Tour

Taiwan is a wonderful place. You can climb Alishan, go boating in Sun Moon Lake.

Price:¥2, 500

Call us at 800-850-8288

【1】How long is the Xiamen Culture Group Tour?

A.Two days B.Four days C.Five days

【2】Mrs. Li is going to take the 4-day Xiamen Private Tour with her two daughters, How much is the tour?

A.¥1, 590 B.¥1, 650 C.¥2, 007

【3】If you want to go boating in Sun Moon Lake, you should call________.

A.800-850-8288 B.800-810-6288 C.800-817-7233

【4】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.We can visit Gulangyu if we stay in Xiamen

B.We will have a chance to eat nice food like lobsters

C.The three tours are about the same place, Xiamen.

【5】The information may come from a ________.

A.sports centre B.travel service C.bus station.

更新时间:2024-04-20 10:22:15








【1】细节理解题。根据“2-day Xiamen Culture Group Tour”可知,厦门文化团旅行时间长达两天,故选A。

【2】推理判断题。根据“1 person¥669,2—-5  persons¥550/person,6—-9  persons¥530/person”厦门私人四日游,一个人是669元,2-5人是每人550元,6-9人是每人530元。李太太带着她的两个女儿,一共是三个人,需要支付550×3=1650元,故选B。

【3】细节理解题。根据“Taiwan is a wonderful place. You can climb Alishan, go boating in Sun Moon Lake. ……Call us at 800-850-8288”可知,到日月潭旅行,需要拔打电话800-850-8288,故选A。

【4】推理判断题。根据“How about going to Xiamenn for the weekend?You can visit Gulangyu(鼓浪屿)and eat g nice food like lobsters(龙虾).”可知,如果我们待在厦门,我们可以参观鼓浪屿,因此A项正确。根据“You can visit Gulangyu(鼓浪屿)and eat g nice food like lobsters(龙虾).”可知,我们会有机会吃到像小龙虾这样的美食,因此B项正确。根据“2-day Xiamen Culture Group Tour (旅行)”和“4-day Xiamen Private(私人的) Tour”可知,前两个旅行项目是关于厦门的。根据“5-day Taiwan Group Tour”可知,第三个旅行项目是关于台湾的,因此不是同一个地方,C项不正确。故选C。

【5】推理判断题。根据“Do you like travelling? If so, come to our travel service. ”可知,本文介绍的旅行服务,故选B。


题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:较难 组卷次数:0
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